Kill Odors, Germs, Mold, & Allergens with Whole-House Purification

It’s an entirely new type of air purifier! The award-winning APCO (advanced photocatalytic oxidation) Detox system scrubs the air deep inside the ductwork of your central air system. The unique combination of UV-C light and activated carbon delivers unequaled germ and odor reduction without creating harmful ozone. This combination is particularly effective at reducing VOCs (volatile organic compounds), which include toxic chemical vapors like formaldehyde and toluene.
Whole-house air purification and breathing cleaner air.
APCO from Fresh-Aire UV, 18-32 VAC power supply and 1 year UV-C lamp

Award Winning Technology
APCO is the award-winning air cleaning technology that combines the power of UV-C light with activated carbon and photocatalytic oxidation (PCO). APCO eliminates odors, toxic VOCs, and microbial contaminants from the air and air system. TUV-APCO-ER comes with a 18-32 VAC power supply and a 1 year lamp.